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Your teeth and gums reveal A LOT about the state of your health. It is crucial to learn the importance of proper hygiene coupled with a diet high in nutrition. If you implement some of these tips, you can avoid wasting time and money at the dentist and painful toxic procedures that could potentially lead to much discomfort and sickness. I highly recommend finding a holistic or biological dentist in emergency cases. If your dentist is still using mercury amalgams, you want to run as fast as you can.


Here are just a few of my tips for prevention and healing (I have plenty more in my arsenal but these are the basics):




First off, get a water flosser (waterpik). This is one of the best tools for optimal teeth health you will ever own. When I was younger (back in the 80’s) dentists would display them at the reception desk and then they stopped and replaced them with the vibrating sonic toothbrush. This is when I realized the truth. Those ridiculous toothbrushes do absolutely nothing for your teeth. They are a total scam HOWEVER the Waterpik that they no longer recommend is the secret to healthy teeth and gums. I use it every day and even have a travel one. It removes EVERYTHING stuck in your teeth and GUMS... all the poison and bacteria that lays dormant causing teeth decay. Dental floss does not have this power and agility and most often pushes debris deeper into the gums. You will be amazed by what comes out of your teeth and gums when you blast them with a water flosser. Also use it to massage the gums; it feels incredible and gets the blood flowing to the roots of the teeth which is key for overall health. I still use dental floss in conjunction especially if I’m out and about and don’t have my water flosser handy. Just make sure it is a natural floss and not a commercial floss which contains CHEMICALS. Yes, you heard that right... poison in dental floss.



This one remedy is the KEY to everything. It literally remineralized my cracked teeth and healed a failing root canal. It’s also great for the gums and has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can heal cavities. PINK HIMALAYAN SALT. I’m pretty hard core so I pack it directly on the affected teeth/gums (really pack it in) and let it sit for a minute or so and then swish around with my saliva for several minutes and spit out.  It should be more of a paste than salt water. You can even do one part salt and one part coconut oil if you are sensitive. I like to mix things up. See what works for you.



Make sure you are brushing with an all natural fluoride free toothpaste. There are plenty on the market. I love this one: Himalaya Neem and Pomegranate. Do not use Tom’s of Maine as they are now owned by Colgate-Palmolive.



CLOVE essential oil is the most powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant on the planet. It is the highest scoring ingredient ever tested for its antioxidant capacity on the ORAC scale. I have been using clove oil everyday for the last 5 years and I can’t even begin to explain the benefits. It also has a numbing effect and is great for tooth aches. It kills EVERYTHING in the mouth. Say adios to bacteria, infections and bad breath. I use 1-2 drops on my toothbrush with my toothpaste and brush away every morning. You will never have a cleaner fresher mouth. Be sure to buy a high quality oil. It’s around $12 and will last a couple of months.



Make sure your toothbrush is SOFT. There is no need for a hard brush as it will irritate your gums. Also, and this is KEY: brush your tongue, the roof of your mouth and your gums EVERY time you brush. This will clear all the bacteria out of your mouth.



If you are looking to whiten your teeth safely and very inexpensively, this last tip is amazing. ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. If you follow me, you know I LOVE charcoal and use it for removing toxins from the body for food poisoning, cleansing, bloating, the list goes on. It really whitens the teeth. Baking soda is also a good one as it has alkalizing properties and can clean the teeth as well. Mix it up. Have fun with it!



When in doubt, colloidal silver will work on an infected tooth as well. I spray that sh*t on EVERYTHING! You name it!!!  




All these methods work and are all affordable. I stand behind each and every one of them as I never recommend anything I haven’t tried on myself. I’m a walking experiment and a very successful one!! I do all of them and find the combination to be highly effective. I am also currently experimenting with a groundbreaking scientifically backed technology/product that could potentially change everything for the teeth and overall health. Stay tuned!! 



Disclaimer: This is not intended to give medical advice. Please continue to visit your dentist if you enjoy cleanings, X-rays, drilling, root canals and other toxic procedures.




©2023 by Lindy Werwa. Opinions are my own, please don't steal them.

No animals were harmed in the making of this website, some were snuggled.


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