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Migraines are the trickiest and most mysterious of all ailments. Most doctors have not figured out how to relieve them or what triggers them. A few possible causes may include:


- Hormonal imbalance

- Heavy metal toxicity 

- Parasites

- Toxin build-up/stagnant liver

- Stress

- TMJ/teeth clenching 

- Mineral deficiency 

- MTHFR gene mutation


I was getting monthly migraines which would last 3-4 days. Because everyone is different and there is no one-size-fits-all, I’ve taken a very holistic approach to understanding my own body and endocannabinoid system. 


This is my own assessment and protocol: 


Keep a food journal to watch for triggers (cheese, dairy, wine, chemicals in food especially MSG (which is disguised and renamed in most ingredient lists), etc. Foods high in histamine and nitrates, liked canned foods, smoked meats, shellfish, chocolate, aged cheese, alcohol especially wine, etc., can trigger migraines.


KEEP YOUR LIVER CLEAN so it is able to flush out toxins. Migraines can be caused by a stagnant liver. Too many toxins in the body (heavy metals, parasites) can cause terrible migraines. You must be careful not to release these toxins too quickly as you may have a Herxheimer reaction which can include migraines.  Many supplements and foods can trigger detox symptoms so be aware of that if you don’t detox well or have MTHFR. Green tea is a trigger for me as it makes me detox if I drink too much. Go figure.


Hormonal imbalances in women can be the main reason for migraines. This is a totally different topic I can address another time if there is interest.


The gene mutation MTHFR can cause migraines (1 in 2 people have this mutation). It can be helped with the proper diet and supplements, which I will list at the end.


Deficiencies in the diet can cause migraines so it is very important to eat a diet high in vitamins and minerals. EAT A CLEAN ORGANIC, PRESERVATIVE FREE DIET. Nourish your body with the right foods and eliminate the foods that lead to illness. DIET IS EVERYTHING.


STOP (or at least limit) drinking alcohol and wine). I went from being a party animal working in the music industry to a happy and healthy woman who rarely has the desire to drink. It’s a game changer.


Stress can also trigger adrenal fatigue and migraines. You can test your adrenals and hormones with a saliva test that you can order online and then address with the proper supplements. This is how I take my health into my own hands and avoid doctors. I can provide more information to those who are interested.


I also was drinking A LOT of oxygenated alkaline water at the height of my migraines and was able to make the connection that the water was contributing to my headaches due to rapid detoxing. Acid/alkaline balance is key so just be careful. You can test your levels with urine strips. I no longer drink this type water.



Here are some recommendations for supplements that have helped me tremendously:



High quality organic CBD oil for internal use and CBD pain balm for topical use directly on the head and back of neck. It activates your body’s own internal endocannabinoid system which can help to relieve migraines (among many other benefits) and help your body find homeostasis (balance).



An essential oil blend that I stumbled upon works wonders with the pain balm mentioned above. Peppermint Halo by Saje is a super potent and effective mix of essential oils (I am an EO junkie and this is the best I’ve ever used). They have stores, or you can buy online at



Burbur Pinella liquid tincture has been incredible in aiding my liver and flushing the toxins out. It also relieves Herxheimer reaction.



High quality B vitamins are crucial especially if you have MTHFR. I’ve tried MANY and this works incredibly well and is easily absorbed and methylated. It’s been a life saver. It’s expensive but can be taken every other day for maintenance.



Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) has gained a lot of attention in preventing migraines, but can upset some people's GI tract.



Magnesium. I like to alternate transdermal oil and creams with oral magnesium.  Magnesium Glycinate is best for treating migraines but I have been using a magnesium spray from Earth Shift that is incredible and also helps me sleep through the night. I apply it to the bottoms of my feet with Cedar wood. Works like a charm.



Cold ice packs directly on the head help alleviate pain. If you don’t have any on hand, a bag of frozen peas will do the trick.



Head massages can help as well. I have a massage pillow from Amazon that I use on my back and head.



GI Broom (Dr. Morse formula). This detoxes the digestive tract and drags out all of the toxins in your gut that may be contributing to migraines. If you don’t know Dr. Morse, you should. He has thousands of free YouTube videos on detoxification. He’s a treasure.



Charcoal - everyone should have charcoal in their cabinet. It can stop food poisoning in its tracks, draw poisons out of the system, and alleviate detoxing/herxing symptoms similar to GI Broom. It can also help sober up someone who has had too much to drink. It’s a must have for every household. I don’t leave home or travel without charcoal.



The one modality that I swear by is cupping, coupled with just a FEW acupuncture needles to draw the energy down. Find a licensed acupuncturist that also knows the art of cupping. It changed my life. 




Balance is truly key to understanding the body. Everything in life and health must be balanced in order to thrive. Pay close attention to how your body feels after you eat something, after a workout, after a conversation (people can be toxic too). When you understand the signals and language from your body, you will become the master of controlling your health.




©2023 by Lindy Werwa. Opinions are my own, please don't steal them.

No animals were harmed in the making of this website, some were snuggled.


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