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This topic is one of my favorite and most researched ideologies. I have had incredible success with natural remedies using them on myself, my husband, and my clients. The healing powers of food, vitamins, essential oils, and herbs are far superior to any man made medications. I have spent my entire life avoiding all pharmaceuticals including over the counter pain relievers and antacids. I have researched and experimented with natural remedies for the last 25 years and can unequivocally state that they work.


I know the power of plants, and so does the government controlled Pharmaceutical industry. They don’t like plants and natural remedies because plants cannot be patented and they can’t make money from these miraculous natural powerhouses. Plants are also safe and cause no known side effects, unlike the synthetic, poisonous medications with hundreds of deadly side effects.


I will teach you all about supplements, which ones truly work, and which ones are all hype and a waste of money. We will look at your hormones, adrenals, immunity, body fat content, skin, and any ailments you may be experiencing. I will determine deficiencies and work on a healing and preventative plan of action using only natural remedies to revamp your health, balance your hormones, lower your body fat, boost your energy, hit your weight and fitness goals, turn back the clock by 10+ years, and improve the overall quality of your life. 



©2023 by Lindy Werwa. Opinions are my own, please don't steal them.

No animals were harmed in the making of this website, some were snuggled.


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