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This is Part 1 of my health guide and how I live my life. It’s a basic guide for weight loss and clearing out toxins so you can achieve optimal health. 

The key to firing your metabolism is clearing the toxins from your body. We are bombarded with massive amounts of environmental toxins every day. Why add to that by poisoning yourself with GMO's, pesticides, chemicals in food, cleaning products, beauty products, etc. When your body is free from the burden of toxins, it becomes highly efficient,  giving you the freedom to eat more calories from pure healthy foods and live an energized life! 


Here's how I maintain optimal health, weight and vitality:




Not just my fruits and vegetables but my nuts, seeds, grains, quinoa, oatmeal, honey, beans, crackers, bread and pasta (on occasion), tea, coffee, nut milks, etc. When you don't eat organic, you are exposed to chemicals and pesticides that can cause issues in your body. Toxins cause inflammation, weight gain, disease, neurological dysfunctions, endocrine disruptions, the list goes on and on. For example, people don't have a gluten intolerance, they have an intolerance to the poison called glyphosate. If you can avoid putting glyphosate, pesticides and chemicals into and onto your body, that is half the battle. Do you remember having a gluten intolerance when you were a kid eating pasta at Grandma's every Sunday? I didn't think so. Also, please don't tell me eating organic is too expensive. This is your health, your life we are talking about. Doctor bills are way more expensive and at some point you will be scrambling and spending large sums of money trying to fix the damage. 




The less ingredients on a label, the better. I rarely eat anything with more than 4-5 ingredients. If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it. Learn how to read labels and stay away from boxed inorganic, preservative-laden crap. 




If you think the quality of your meat doesn't matter, THINK AGAIN. Conventional factory farmed meat is loaded with hormones, antibiotics and poison. Every time you eat this crap, you are ingesting those poisons which cause all kinds of horrific disease in your body. Bottom line, make sure your meat (or any food for that matter) it is top quality.




Why treat your body like a garbage dump? Aren't you worth it? Aren't your children worth it? Healthy ingredients  equal a healthy happy life for everyone. 




I see people doing hours of cardio never getting results. Why? a) they are toxic b) they eat terribly c) cardio doesn't work for everyone (it can actually make you fatter). Studies have proven that cardio decreases leptin levels which makes you feel hungry and therefore makes you eat more after exercising. Cardio can also result in MUSCLE LOSS. Muscles boost metabolism which helps burn more calories. I've been screaming this for years! Start lifting weights!!! Whether you go to the gym or buy some weights for your home, weight training is the key to optimal health and fitness as well as weight control. I've been lifting weights for over 20 years. That's is why my body has stayed the same as when I was 25. I have muscles, which speeds up my metabolism and keeps my body fat low. It's awesome! Learn how to weight train. It's so easy to incorporate into any busy life. 20-30 minutes, 3x a week is all it takes.  




We are the only country that consumes extra large portions of everything. We are brainwashed into thinking that bigger is better. More is better. Costco is better. Supersize me! What?! Doesn't anyone see the problem?! Every time I go to a Costco (which isn't often) I want to scream. Why on earth are Americans so gluttonous? It's killing us!  Obesity is at an all time high. Diabetes is on the rise, cancer is out of control not to mention heart disease and every other man-made disease that is caused by fake food, chemicals and poison. Think like a European. When you travel to Italy and experience their cuisine, you learn about portions. They serve small bowls of pasta. Spain is all about tapas, small plates. This is how I eat. The biggest portion of my meal is the salad (I make the most amazing salads with all kinds of yummy ingredients) or my vegetables (get a wok or steamer insert). Every meal I eat includes some kind of greens or cruciferous vegetable (cancer fighting) I even lightly grill romaine lettuce with sea salt, lemon and olive oil (it takes minutes). Get creative. My smoothies include berries and greens with plant based protein. Stay away from whey protein as it is highly processed. Hemp and pea protein are my favorite. Plant strong is the way to go. 




It's a scary word but it doesn't have to be a scary process. We must find ways to keep our bowels moving (Dr. Schultz’s Colon products are the best; I won’t use anything else) and clear our lymphatic system to keep the toxins moving out. I can't stress how important this is for weight loss, maintenance and overall health. What do I do to keep my lymphatic system draining every day?


A) I drink tons of pure water all day long. The only other beverage  I drink and I highly recommend is 3/4 sparking mineral water (Gerolsteiner) and 1/4 coconut water or real fresh juice. Refreshing and delicious and a healthy alternative. These are staples in our house. 


B) REBOUNDING! I've posted videos of me rebounding. I can't begin to express the benefits of rebounding. Talk about lymphatic drainage. It is, in my opinion the best form of exercise with the most benefits. You can buy one for $50 to try it out! It's a great cleansing technique, it's SO much fun, it's easy, you only have to do it for 20 minutes to benefit (you'll want to do it longer - sometimes I can't stop!), you'll lose weight, reduce cellulite (ladies) and you will feel so damn invigorated!!!


C) I also have a vibration plate which I stand on for 10-20 minutes while lifting weights. This really drains the lymphs and gets things moving while toning the body. (Obviously optional)  


D) dry skin brushing right before you shower. Takes about 2 minutes and completely stimulates the lymphatic system. A brush is $10 and is a great start. 


E) I have a tool (some of you know about this) called the Fascia Blaster. I actually have all three sizes.  They are great for getting rid of cellulite (I don't have an ounce at my age but that’s what clean eating will do). The device completely smooths your skin, sculpts certain areas like the stomach (I've never done a sit up) and thighs and gets rid of toxins. 


F) Stop putting toxic chemical laden lotions and potions on your skin. There are so many natural products out there that really work and are very affordable. Coconut oil is one of the best body moisturizers. Every time you put poison on your skin, it enters the blood stream in 26 seconds. The  poisons build up and burden your liver which then cause all kind of endocrine disruptions. Go natural!! And no toxic perfume and cologne. It's gross, unhealthy for you and offensive to others. Use essential oils or natural perfumes like Pacifica. Deodorant: Do I really need to cover this? I've posted about this so much I'm tired of the topic. There are tons of natural deodorants that work. Stop putting aluminum and cancer causing poisons under your arms. Think breast cancer and Alzheimer's. When you clear out the toxins, you won’t need to use deodorant. 


G) Stop using chemicals to clean your home!! They are toxic and can wreak havoc on your family's health. I use a product called Bon Ami powder cleaner in place of Ajax. It has an A rating on the EWG Site. It is great for cleaning tubs, sinks and surfaces. I also make my own sprays with vinegar, water and tons of essential oils. Amazing for mirrors glass and all surfaces. That's it people!!! 


H) Stop using fluoride tooth paste! Fluoride is classified as a neurotoxin, it is poison! It's stated on the label to call poison control if ingested! Don't read about it on Snopes. Do real research. Buy a natural toothpaste. I also brush with clove oil which kills all bacteria in the mouth and keeps infections away. A water flosser is a game changer. If you have teeth and gum issues, I highly recommend getting one because it truly gets out the funk that is buried deep beneath your gum line. Your teeth/mouth reveal A LOT about your health. 


I) Stop using non stick pots and pans! The chemicals released by the heat goes directly into your food and body. Stainless steel or high quality ceramic cookware is the only way to go. 


J) Avoid plastic at all costs. Buy glass containers and stop buying bottled water that poisons you with BPAs causing cancer and polluting our planet. 


K) STRESS IS A TOXIN and can also make you sick and fat especially when your cortisol levels are out of whack. Adrenal fatigue is VERY common. This is a major factor for weight gain, lack of sleep and overall anxiety. Lack of sleep alone can make you sick and fat. 7-8 hours is required for optimal health. Get your adrenals tested if you have these symptoms (a simple saliva test can be bought online). There are great adrenal supplements on the market that when coupled with the right food can make a huge difference. 




I only take the highest quality supplements that contain no fillers or preservatives. This is so important!! Supplements can either enhance your health, do absolutely nothing or cause harm. Don't waste your money on low quality vitamins. There are certain supplements our bodies need because unfortunately we can't get all of our nutrients from food. There are some that work and some that don't. I've experimented my whole life with supplements so I know the good, the bad and the ugly. I'd like to teach a class just on supplements alone, depending on people's level of interest. Food based supplements are always better than synthetic however there are certain companies I recommend. 




Happiness and health are our birthright. Treat your body like a temple! It is the best and only defense we have in this crazy polluted world. Your life depends on it and so does your happiness and mental state which I guarantee will shift if you follow some of these tips.


TOXINS make you sick, fat, tired and inflamed. The less toxins in the body, the less weight you have to lug around.  Fat is just built up toxins trapped in the body. Once these toxins are released and you put great quality food, water and supplements into your body, your entire life will shift.


That's all for now my friends. Feel free to hit me up with questions or comments, it really means a lot to me! Let's get healthy together!





©2023 by Lindy Werwa. Opinions are my own, please don't steal them.

No animals were harmed in the making of this website, some were snuggled.


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